Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Dear Little One ~

You are eight weeks along today!  I think often of you, and how you must be developing inside of me.  Every night and morning I feel your home, and feel it growing. 

Last week you marked your 7-weeks by sending me to the restroom quickly to partake in a part of "morning sickness". Yuck.  Your big sister Alyssa opened the door to ask me a question and stopped.... "Morning sickness?" I needed, and she closed the door.  I've come very close a handful of other times, but haven't completed the joy since then :)

I find myself often, lately, startled that you're really inside of me.  It seems so incredible, magical.... unbelievable really.  I am so very thankful.

I'm not craving sushi like I use to, but still love rice.  I am back to loving orange juice, but still doesn't want milk.  Eggs, not usually.  Fresh fruit or fresh vegetables, YUM!