It's been a while since I've spent time with you. I wasn't sure how I was going to make it work yesterday, but it ended up coming together in a way that I was able to spend an uninterrupted evening with you. No rush to get back, except for when my body was suggesting it was time to go to bed.
You've always looked at me as if you knew me but couldn't exactly pinpoint from where. You stare deep and intently, I'd look back at you. Inside my heart would swell with so much love, and often I feel the emotions of just complete aweness that you are my daughter. I am your mommy. I am so blessed :)
You are such a very busy busy busy child!! I laughed, watching you chase your sister, Emily, around. Trying to play with whatever it was that she was playing with, and how well she redirected your attention away. You'd also crawl after her when she'd try to go in to the bathroom. Always wanting to do what she was doing. She is such a wonderful big sister!! She cherishes you so much, Aria.
I loved watching how you'd head for the piano and crawl up on your chair with such smoothness to pound out some music on the piano. Your dad said that you always change the tone to one he doesn't like, that it's your favorite one, lol. I thought you were going to topple off sideways a few ties, but you so solidly held your balance, and slithered back down when you were done, with such precise movements.
We went out to dinner last night. Daddy carried Emily so I could push you in your stroller. You have such amazing big brown eyes, and just take everything in. Daddy remarked about how you use to be afraid of the street lights as you passed, and now it doesn't bother you at all.
When we got back to the apartment after dinner, we ended up playing ball. You amazed me with your rolling ball abilities!! You do such a great job!! I loved how you'd come up to me also, pat me and then clap. Goodness, melt my mommy heart!
You talk!!! There were a few words I forget now that you said, but I do remember you saying "nose" and pointing to my nose. Wow :)
Your daddy is going to have a fun time with you. Watching you last night, I am very curious if you're going to grow up to love sports. You are intent, focused and strong. I'm suspecting you are going to love baseball and soccer, probably swimming too... maybe. Whatever you choose to do, you are beyond amazing in just who you are.
I love you so much Aria, and am so proud of you :)