Sunday, December 1, 2013


Dear Aria ~

I can't believe I've let your blog go for so long.  There have been so many incredible moments, so many amazing memories.  Your pregnancy was full of so much love, your birth nothing less than miraculous.  I stayed for two weeks with you while my milk settled in, and so I was able to leave your daddy with milk for you when I went home.

I'll do better keeping your blog up, your sisters too!!  As time goes on I'll work my way backwards and post photos, I think I can update the blog for that and post them in order.  I've missed recording so much time.  With your sister, Emily, I've found myself saying that I need to go back to look in her blog to remember when something happened.  I'd love to have these things recorded for you too.  So this catch up time wont be perfect, but will be something.

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