Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First steps set up

It's becoming more common for fertility clinics to require 6mo quarantine of sperm, and also where this quarantine time before use to be waved it's also becoming common where there is no way to wave this required time. Although we were directed by a lawyer before where we could do home insems with a medical professional in attendance who could notorize a statment saying no sexual contact took place, I knew that having a doctor singing off on IUIs (or even regular insems) would be best when it came to the courts. What I wasn't looking forward to was finding the clinic who would do this without the quarantine time.

When I was very uncertain that Shing was going to choose to have a baby this year, I went ahead and placed an ad on the surrogate website thinking that I may be able to help a couple in between.... maybe. I really wasn't too sure what I was going to do, but was one of those "put my feelers out there" moment. Although I didn't end up responding to the handful of people who responded to the ad, I did respond to Ashley. Not exactly sure what stood out with her, she was an agency and I wasn't too keen on working with one. There were other things too. But, she was the one and only I responded to. Through her I am now able to support a wonderful IF couple in the UK, and root them on with pure excitement. She also has been able to help offer some wonderful suggestions for Shing and I, one being a clinic to use.

With Shing's go ahead, I called them a few days ago to schedule a consultation appt. Scheduled for August 1st at 2pm. They do fresh IUIs with no quarantine.... it's still hard to believe, and I suppose I'll have to hear it from the doctor sitting there in person in front of me to believe it completely! I am so amazed, and grateful! Almost one of those "too good to be true" moments.

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